Changing Tides: What's New in the World of Tipping

Changing Tides: What's New in the World of Tipping

As the various cultures of our global community merge, evolve, and intersect, so too do their accompanying norms and social courtesies. From the wide world of restaurant service to the now-ubiquitous delivery drivers, it has become an increasingly important endeavor to understand the recent changes in tipping etiquette. This article seeks to uncover the new trends and recommendations for a variety of scenarios, and how to navigate these ever-evolving social mores.

While much of the same tipping etiquette might still apply to traditional restaurant service, many municipalities have altered their expendable guidelines. For instance, several states have proposed a guaranteed minimum wage for tipped employees, such as wait staff or bar tenders, while others are allowing employers to pool gratuity among teams of employees. With these changes, it is important to consider the amount of research done to ensure all tipped employees are receiving adequate compensation.

The article will also explore the possible implications of newer services, for example the rise of food delivery. With the emergence of services such as DoorDash, Caviar, UberEats, Postmates, and more, it is crucial that consumers understand the latest tipping protocols for these new delivery drivers. What is important to keep in mind? What etiquette is recommended in order to maintain a healthy professional relationship with these drivers?

Food Service

When it comes to food service, the general consensus regarding tipping is as follows: A minimum of 15%, with 18-20% being the recommended amount, depending on the quality of service. For exceptional service, an additional gratuity above 20% may be appropriate. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that as mentioned previously, some states with a guaranteed minimum wage may require lower tips. Check with the restaurant beforehand to determine the most appropriate amount.

It is also important to think about the total cost of the bill. A few dollars on an inexpensive meal may not go very far, while an extra tip on a large order can really make a difference. For large groups, many restaurants have begun to include a gratuity column on their receipts – if available on the bill, use this as a general guide and adjust as desired.

Delivery Services

The tipping etiquette for newer delivery services can be more complicated. While many recommend an amount comparable to restaurant service (15-20%), other factors should be taken into consideration. Does the delivery driver cover a variety of tasks? Consider a larger tip. Is the service only available at certain times? Ask for detailed information to accurately gauge how much of a tip is reasonable. Are you receiving hot food or cold food? Hot food typically takes additional effort, as the driver needs to arrive on time and make sure the food is not ruined on their journey.

Some delivery services also have built-in tipping systems, but these may or may not be sufficient. Door Dash, for instance, allows the consumer to customize their tip amount at the time of checkout. Make sure to read the fine print, as some companies will reduce that tip amount if the consumer were to require additional pick-up or drop-off requests.

UberEats offers a different approach, allowing the customer to add the tip amount at a later time. It is integral to ensure the driver is adequately compensated for their speedy and safe delivery of food. Other services, such as Postmates, allow the customer to easily add a tip amount electronically which is then added to the driver’s weekly pay. If the tipping process on any of these delivery services is unclear, do not hesitate to contact customer service and discuss the issue at hand.


To sum up, the tipping culture in our global society is ever-changing. While many of the same rules may still apply to restaurant service, new services such as food delivery and other forms of delivery require the consumer to be more aware of the values associated with their tipping etiquette. For services such as DoorDash, UberEats, and Postmates, research should be done beforehand to assess the tip percentage and how the driver will be compensated for their efforts. In any situation, the general consensus is to tip generously for good service, while remaining aware of legal protocols such as minimum wage guarantees in some areas.

When it comes to food service, tipping etiquette is an important factor to consider. Generally speaking, a minimum of 15% should be given, with 18-20% being the recommended amount for good service. For exceptional service, an additional gratuity may be appropriate. For food deliverers, the tip amount should depend on the specifics of the delivery such as whether the driver covers multiple tasks, the type of food delivered, and the tipping protocols for the specific app used. Different apps may offer different guidelines for tipping. It is important to read the fine print associated with the indicated tip amount as this could affect the money the driver receives. All in all, it is essential to research and follow the tipping guidelines that best apply to the given situation in order to adequately compensate individuals for their service.

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